Embracing the Second Half of Life in Costa Rica: A Journey to New Beginnings

The tattoo captured in the image—"WHILE(:)LECHO LOVE HARD pura vida"—belongs to one of our clients and beautifully encapsulates the profound joy and renewal that can come from starting a new chapter in life, especially in a place as vibrant and welcoming as Costa Rica. The tattoo "WHILE(:)LECHO LOVE HARD pura vida" is a combination of a few different elements that together create a meaningful and personal message. It can be interpreted as a personal mantra or life philosophy. It suggests living life to the fullest ("while I live"), loving deeply ("love hard"), and embracing the joy and simplicity of the Costa Rican lifestyle ("pura vida"). This sentiment aligns perfectly with the mission of our immigration practice at Plan B by Simple Legal Consulting (SLC).

At SLC, we strive to provide our clients with the opportunity to experience their own "second half" of life, much like the individual who now proudly wears this tattoo. The message speaks to embracing life fully, loving deeply, and appreciating the "pura vida" lifestyle that Costa Rica is famous for. This ethos resonates with those seeking a fresh start and new opportunities in a different environment.

Our purpose at SLC is to assist clients in navigating the complexities of immigration, ensuring they can seamlessly integrate into Costa Rican life and enjoy the many benefits this beautiful country offers. We specialize in various categories of residency to cater to different needs and circumstances:

  • Investors: Those looking to invest in Costa Rica can benefit from residency options that support economic growth and development within the country. Check out our investing in Costa Rica Guide

  • Rentiers: Individuals with a stable, ongoing income from outside Costa Rica can apply for residency as rentiers, enjoying the tranquility and lifestyle the country provides.

  • Pensionados: Retirees receiving a pension can find a perfect haven in Costa Rica, with residency options designed to make their transition smooth and enjoyable.

  • Company Manager: Ideal for entrepreneurs who do not have USD$150,000 to invest but can establish a corporation and apply for residency as its manager (this is how I moved in 2012).

  • Worker with Specialized Knowledge: Requires special skills and an assessment by the Ministry of Labor regarding the impact on local employment, to ensure that it does not displace local labor.

  • Family Link Residency: Parents of Costa Ricans, or those married to Costa Ricans or legal residents can apply for residency.

  • Digital Nomad Visa: For individuals earning at least USD$3,000 per month or USD$36,000 annually for singles, or USD$48,000 for families.

Reflecting on the second half of life, Kieran Setiya's book En la mitad de la vida delves into the challenges and opportunities that come with this stage. Setiya writes, "La segunda mitad de la vida es una oportunidad para reevaluar nuestras prioridades y encontrar una nueva dirección y propósito" ("The second half of life is an opportunity to reevaluate our priorities and find a new direction and purpose"). This perspective is particularly relevant for those relocating to Costa Rica, as it represents not just a physical move, but a profound shift towards a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Just as the tattoo symbolizes a personal transformation and a fresh start, our goal at SLC is to help others find their new opportunity in Costa Rica. By providing expert legal advice and personalized services, we aim to make the transition as smooth and rewarding as possible, allowing our clients to truly embrace their new lives and thrive in their new environment.

In summary, relocating to Costa Rica can be a life-changing experience, offering a chance to embrace the "pura vida" lifestyle and find new purpose and joy in the second half of life. At Simple Legal Consulting, we are dedicated to guiding our clients through this journey, ensuring they can make the most of this exciting new chapter.

About the Author

Herman Duarte,  founder of Simple Legal Consulting, is an immigrant from El Salvador who, after living in Costa Rica for 13 years, is now a proud Costa Rican. He holds master's degrees from Stockholm University and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Passionate about writing and research, Herman is widely recognized as one of the top lawyers in the region and a leading expert in investment and immigration law in Costa Rica. Drawing from his personal experience as an immigrant, Herman uniquely understands the challenges of navigating the immigration system and is dedicated to helping others successfully transition to life in Costa Rica.

Contact: www.simplecr.com hd@simple-legal.consulting


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